Yard Waste Disposal | Keen On Green Disposal & Recycling

Yard Waste Disposal

Yard Waste Disposal

yard waste disposal - we do all the work

Taking care of your garden and cleaning your yard are essential maintenance tasks. They should be carried out throughout the year, making sure your lawn looks great and is properly taken care of.

Regardless of the size of your property or the maintenance routines, fact is all yards produce waste and this waste must be removed or recycled. One of the most efficient methods is the composting process which is a way to reduce the volume of organic waste by returning it back to the soil. Decomposing yard waste and returning it to the soil is an excellent solution for your plants and it’s great for the environment.

True, the city is responsible to pick up one garbage can of yard waste once every 2 weeks. But what if you have 2-3 additional garbage cans full of yard waste?

Obviously you can’t preserve the remaining waste for another 2 weeks because you’ll soon have more cans to remove. Moreover, packing and delivering your yard waste to a recycling centre is complicated, exhausting and even expensive. A much better and cheaper option is to call Keen On Green. Not only our team will arrive on time to pick your yard waste, but they’ll even clean your disposal site!

We have the right equipment, the necessary experience and the transportation vehicles for removing your waste. So call us now!

And here’s a funny tip most people don’t know: when leaving grass clippings on the lawn after mowing, the clippings quickly dry out, decompose, and recycle nutrients back into the soil. This will make your lawn healthy and green. Every time you throw away one bag of grass clippings, you are throwing away about 1/4 pound of lawn fertilizer!

Examples Of Yard Waste Disposal Items We Take

  • + Trees
  • + Hedge Trimmings
  • + Branches
  • + Leaves
  • + Tree Stub